In business since 1992, Teracom Training Institute has established a worldwide reputation for excellence in instructor-led and online telecommunications training, datacom and IP MPLS telecom network training, wireless, VoIP and SIP training geared to the non-engineering professional.
Teracom's popular broadband, telecom, datacom and network courses, seminars, online training and books have been provided to companies and organizations including Bell Canada, TELUS, Rogers, the CRTC, Canadian Forces, CRA, RCMP, Public Safety Canada, the Comsec Establishment, Canada Post, NavCan, Bell Mobility, all branches of the US Armed Forces, CIA, NSA, Intel, Cisco, Qualcomm and many more.
Teracom's telecom seminars and online courses are designed for those who need a comprehensive update and overview, as well as for newcomers who need to master technology and concepts quickly.
Explaining the key concepts underlying telecom, datacom, access, transmission and networking technologies, Teracom's telecom training provides a solid base of knowledge and a structure on which to build in the future.
From telecom and telephony basics, through analog, digital, wireless, packets and frames, protocol stacks, TCP/IP, MPLS, VoIP, Optical Ethernet and Internet services, we cut through the jargon, bust the buzzwords, sort out technology choices and provide you with templates for mainstream solutions that you can put to immediate use.
We invite you to join us to acquire this career-enhancing knowledge! Explore these links or contact us today to learn more about our public seminars, BOOT CAMPs, private on-site training, self-paced online courses and practical reference books.